↘ 2018
↘ Visual identity & Creative coding
Project carried out with Constant de Beauvais
The Lion is Hungry
The Lion is Hungry
Editorial _2020
Fondation Beyeler
The Lion is Hungry is a prototype publication project aimed at proposing to the Fondation Beyeler a communication support that would found place between the exhibition catalog (imposing, expensive, standard designed) and the flyer (volatile, creatively designed, free).
This project was all the more interesting as it challenged us to break down the barriers of visual communication and to think up a new meduim in line with our current period faced with a global pandemic.
Year — 2018
Discipline — Visual identity & Creative coding
Project carried out with Constant de Beauvais
Creation of the visual identity of the second session of the digital festival Beau of Lille called ONDATA. Based on Processing code, I have worked around the vocabulary of water that is very present in the field of computing (surfing, float, flow, etc.) Playing between the simple and the complex, dynamics and static, 2D and strata… we have designed all the communication supports of the event (posters, program, invitation card, tickets, logo, etc.).
Creation of the visual identity of the second session of the digital festival Beau of Lille called ONDATA. Based on Processing code, I have worked around the vocabulary of water that is very present in the field of computing (surfing, float, flow, etc.) Playing between the simple and the complex, dynamics and static, 2D and strata… we have designed all the communication supports of the event (posters, program, invitation card, tickets, logo, etc.).